Friday, January 7, 2011

The One with 52 Books in 52 Weeks

I once met a girl who said that growing up they never had books in their house. I found this absolutely impossible to imagine. Our house was quite the opposite. I grew up in a house where once my father oh so lovingly informed my mother that if the stack of books beside her bed that needed to be read got anymore out of control, they would end up toppling over and crush her in the middle of the night. From this image above you can see that I have inherited my mothers love of collecting books.
SO THE CHALLANGE... One of my personal challanges to myself this year is to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Happy reading!


  1. love your bookcase pic! i've gone through (read 3, skim read 3) 6 books so far! january's good like that. 52 books should really make a dent in that bookcase and think of all the good stories you'll read :). maybe i shouldn't have just sent you that book from pbswap! love your blog. didn't realize you blogged earlier this week too.

  2. mine looks the same! maybe worse, or better depending on perspective. point being, my family instilled a love of learning and a hunger for acquiring knowledge and books
